The strategy document of the Coalition on Paris Agreement Capacity Building is a suite of consensus recommendations and principles for capacity building developed by the Coalition’s roughly 200 years of combined experience. The Coalition’s strategy is readily adaptable as a capacity building framework. We invite governments and other stakeholders to adopt and apply elements of this strategy as suits their needs. This document also describes the background of the Coalition.


strategy doc_outline

See the Coalition’s Capacity Building Strategy

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Below are the Coalition’s recommendations for capacity building, which are explained in-depth in the strategy document. 

1) Initiate “Fast start” activities that can work in parallel with PCCB and CBIT and facilitate the entry into force of the Agreement.

2) Country lead facilitative peer assessment and continuous improvement.

3) Nurture and build embedded country professional communities with obvious and accessible learning and career prospects.

4) Establish a common core of learning and professional development activities.

5) Innovate capacity building activities and upscale through use of smart IT tools and innovative mentoring processes.

6) Broaden the scope of stakeholders for country MRV activities.

7) Invest in pilot projects which encourage academic interest in continuously improving MRV of climate action and use this to inform policy makers.

8) Integrate/embed capacity building into activities focussed on broader, and sometimes more pressing, national priorities such as energy security, health and poverty, protection of ecosystems and transport and city planning.

9) Develop academic programmes and embed climate action knowledge in existing conventional academic programmes (e.g. engineering, accountancy, biotechnology).

10) Provide experts around the world with a non-political intelligent forum for continuous and efficient development and use of MRV systems for climate action.